Knowledge India

Knowledge Exchange with an Indian Touch

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Category : Professional
Multitasking is one of the the qualities what Bill Gates mentioned as his 10 best qualities!!

I assumed it is a simple thing to achieve(or to practice), but it is turning out to be way difficult than I expected it to be. To be precise, I am talking about multitasking at work place... which in my case is to work, plan, allocate and monitor work. And particularly the (##$%&&#) planning thing !! But they say "Failing to plan is planning to fail", which I believe is true. Developing this new thing would require concious efforts (don't know how much).

The time has changed, its time to put the different regions of brain to work, repeatedly, at short intervals (wow!!)

Divide and Conquer strategy should work here... what say??

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Back into action


It has been long that this blog was in a dormant condition... I am trying to bring this back to action, slowly.

This period was a hectic period for me, I had lot of good and not-good experiences during this time...

Some of the things that happened, worth mentioning are

1. I completed 2 years, working with Satyam Computers !!

This was on the 19th of July. My friends and I at Chennai had a small treat the other night, when we went to the same restaurant as we went the previous year, same day. Last year, there ware thirteen of us, this year, the count was just five... Just after completing 2 years, some of my batchmates have kept in their resignations (good going) !

2. I got the appraisal results

This was the not-so-good thing that happened. The delay in declaring the ratings caused several sleepless nights for me... I am not happy with the way the ratings are tampered at high levels, whatever explaination they give for it... I had a long serious discussion with my reviewer too, which did not helped me directly, but helped me to think of better strategies for future... (Thanks RK)...

3. My first web service went live

This is typically on the work front... and this is the reason I was out of action of blogging for so many days. (The web service is currently used in

Well, now I think I can write more blogs, till I am not caught up with other works!!

Party time at Rain Forest